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Old National Bank

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Reviews (11)

Mar 2, 2024
Old National Bank

I opened a bank account with Old National two months ago. It is a basic everyday checking account. I have no issues with card fees or account fees, as they are fairly reasonable. My issues have mainly been with receiving my statements and setting up direct deposit. My employer requires a specific kind of letter from the bank verifying my account numbers, and even though I have visited the bank's location five times and called them on the phone several times, I have been unable to obtain the proper paperwork to set this up. As a result, I am not using this bank account as much as I had hoped, and the main reason I set it up isn't able to be fulfilled due to the bank's not having the ability to print a letter for me. I also have yet to receive any statements. When a statement is emailed to me, it simply reads that there is no statement found. The bank is unable to print me a statement at the branch, either. The customer service is very poor and I feel as though they are "shuffling" me out when I visit the bank.

Mar 2, 2024
Go Anywhere Else

On 3/29/2023 a client of mine had a CD coming due. Current CD rates range between 4 to 5% . This bank opened a CD for her with a rate of .31% !! Yes less than 1/3 of 1 %. for 1 year. ( $ 23000 ) Anonymously I called to inquire about CD rates. Angie quoted me CD's as follows 9Mos 3.96% 18 mos 3.76 % 30 mos at 3.5% When I asked for a 1 year CD she gave me .31 % . I exclaimed " that makes no sense " It doesn't. Yet they gave my elderly unknowing client the.31% without adequately advising her. I would NEVER trust this bank. Old National absorbed all the long term clients from First Midwest Bank and perhaps legally altered the term scale capitalizing on the older scale. I am planning to contact a higher authority to find if a complaint can be filed.

Mar 2, 2024
Unlawful Fees

I was with First Midwest Bank and had no issues. The merger happened and it went downhill. The Overdraft and Service Charge fees are actually illegal, and if you’ve been affected don’t just settle with having the fees reversed. You can join a class action lawsuit and get what you truly deserve from this fraudulent bank!!

Bank details
Bank gradeB+
Avg. user rating1.91
Current top rate5.25% APY5 Month CD

(800) 731-2265

Bank HQ: 1 Main St, Evansville, Indiana 47708
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