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Bank Grader visitors are some of the most affluent & intelligent people on the web. They are actively comparing rates and are ready to open an account with the help of our user-friendly app.

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Bank Grader Facts

Our Qualified Visitors Love the App
We are constantly making Bank Grader a more informative and useful product with the single goal of finding people the best bank account match. We have a growing community who are coming back to view rates, track rates, write/read reviews and ultimately open new bank accounts.
Sticky & Targeted Web Traffic
Did you know our average active visitor spends over 20 minutes comparing rates, brushing up on bank details & setting rate alerts? A more informed visitor is more likely to transact once they do reach your website, which is why we see larger account opens at a higher frequency.
Deeply Integrated Bank Sponsors
Our advertisers & partners are the life blood of Bank Grader. After approval your bank's product card will be strategically placed throughout the app with the goal of driving the highest quality traffic. Our goal is to keep your CPOA down and average account open size up.