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Union Bank and Trust Company

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Reviews (8)

Mar 8, 2024
I enjoy the way

I can pay my bill online. And also can view it in my accounts. It's always useful for me to know where I stand at every purchase.

Mar 8, 2024
I have been a customer of Union Bank for nine years

When I moved from Colorado to York, Nebraska to attend York College I learned of Union Bank as they had a small branch in town. I always enjoyed going into the branch in York because the staff was so incredibly friendly. I was always greeted by name and they would ask me about my studies or how things were going on campus. When I moved to Omaha, my wife and I both decided we would stay with Union Bank. She too had initially said up an account at the branch in York. Just like in York, the employees here always greet me by name. It's special to pull up through the drive-through lane and be greeted personally. Not many business do that as well as Union Bank. I was a little spoiled by that from the few years at the branch in York and to have the same level of service at a major branch in Omaha is a big deal. The location here is about 10 miles from our house and is relatively out of the way for us but we wouldn't bank anywhere else. And in the 10 mile drive from my house I go past many different banks, some with multiple branches, but it's worth the drive to go to Union Bank. Sounds a little silly, but I owe many things to Union Bank. A consistent part of my real estate business has come out of my connection with the bank. When I first moved to Omaha, I got to know one of the personal bankers and then we became friends and then his wife and him became clients of mine and then I later became a customer of their own business. By way of record keeping, in the last several years I've sold about 10 houses because of referrals from that personal banker and then the referrals of those subsequent clients. So, thank you Union Bank for being a silent contributor to my business. I can't say enough good things about Union Bank. We love being customers there. Weird to love your bank, but we do. Whenever I go to York, which is a few times a year, I purposely leave an errand with the bank not completed so I can do it at that branch. And still, depending on who is working while I'm there, they remember who I am and have even asked me about real estate in Omaha. Thank you Union Bank for maintaining the customer service and care of a small local branch as you've continued to grow.

Mar 8, 2024
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Bank details
Bank gradeB-
Avg. user rating3.75
Current top rate1.86% APY1 Year Business CD

(800) 297-2837

Bank HQ: 312 Central Ave Se, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414
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