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Reviews (11)

Mar 2, 2024
Regions Customers Unappreciated

Almost 50 year old account in good standing closed by Regions Bank without notice. Customers beware you may be next.

Mar 2, 2024
Leaving Regions - Like Others Due To Indefinsible Deposit Holds

When we moved to Florida some 3 years ago there was a Regions just 5 minutes from our new home - very convenient. Since then the lobby area has increasingly remained closed (not even a sign on the door) - with only drive up service available. According to the Manager, this has been due to a shortage of personnel ... FOR WEEKS OR MONTHS. This is particularly true and aggravating on Fridays - a peak banking day for many. As others have decided and posted, we will begin our account moves out of Regions to another institution on Monday - due specifically to these indefensible deposit holds ... 10 days or more - even for CASHIER CHECKS DEPOSITED FROM MAJOR BANKS BLOCKS AWAY! Of course these holds defeat the entire purpose of getting a cashier's check to speed financial transactions along in the first place. In fact, these Regions practices make a mockery out of the entire cashier check process within the industry. I can only wonder if sitting on deposits like this could be a sign of deeper overall corporate financial concerns ... A few phone calls today indicated "the norm" within the financial industry locally seems to be a 24 hour hold for cashier's checks. If not outright illegal, these practices seem unethical at best. Bye bye Regions.

Mar 2, 2024
Unfair Treatment And Credit Score Impact By Negligent Bank

The bank's actions have been inconsistent with the truth and lacking in basic courtesy, extending to the point of reporting to credit bureaus. Furthermore, despite having set up automatic debits, the bank's system deficiencies led to their failure to debit my account as intended. As a result, they imposed not only a late fee but also reported this matter to credit bureaus. Despite multiple attempts to communicate with them and rectify the situation in good faith, they remain indifferent and unresponsive to my concerns. This unjust situation has not only left me with unnecessary financial burdens but has also adversely impacted my credit score.

Bank details
Bank gradeB
Avg. user rating2.00
Current top rate4.50% APY6 Month Business Promotional CD

(800) 734-4667

Bank HQ: 1900 5th Ave N, Birmingham, Alabama 35203
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