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Reviews (11)

Mar 1, 2024
If You Want Open Account In Discovery? Read This

The worst bank I’ve ever seen. If you plan to open an account with this bank, first read this: 3 months ago I ordered a credit card from the Discovery Bank, and I was interested in the fact that they quickly approve the credit limit, the card quickly approved me, delivered in 14 days, but I could only use it for one month. Then I got a message that I had to confirm my identity with a notary within two weeks, or they’d block my account. I got technical support and tried to explain the situation that I work 6 days a week and I do not physically have time to find a notary (Generally with such a request from the bank in the first). I asked you to extend that time from two weeks to four weeks, to what did the cheerleaders say, "Okay, four weeks is the maximum we can give you." What do you think? My card was blocked two weeks after I sent them all the paperwork. When asked why they blocked it, they said I filled out my paperwork at the wrong notary, I only needed a bank notary. After a couple of days (My card is still blocked) I went to the bank where I asked the notary to fill out the correct document, everything looked okay and I sent it. 10 days later I called the bank and asked if they reviewed my documents, they replied that yes, but can not accept them, as the notary did not fill in the field "Notary Commission/Identefication numbder" One reservation, I live in New Hampshire, here do not use this number. I have only one question, how a notary who checks my documents may not know, because the document says that the notary has confirmed them in NH. I asked them to talk to the manager of their department, and they told me he wasn’t there, but he could call me back in two days (it was 10:00 AM at the time) but I still had to go back to the bank and ask the notary to fill out my form. So I did, the whole story, in the column "Notary Commission/Identefication numbder" Write "N/A in New Hampshier", send, 14 days, no answer, I call the bank, and they tell me that my date of birth is not readable in the document. (At that point I just felt like I was in a circus) 3 times I sent the document, and 3 times I faced incompetence of employees. I asked the support guy, "Can you read my birthday?" And he said to me, "Yes sir, I can see here *Calls my date of birth*, but the notary’s department said it’s unreadable, so I can’t help it. He added that if I didn’t confirm my identity in two days my account would be completely blocked. I asked you to talk to the manager, and I was told that he wasn’t there as usual, but he could call me back. SPOILER: The manager hasn’t called me once. At the end, I was told that if I didn’t confirm my identity in two days, my account would be permanently blocked. I did all the same waiting 14 days, and I got a message that my account had been blocked. I’m dialling the bank to find out what’s wrong again. Why this time they could not confirm the document. The support person says, "I see the comment that we called the notary once, he didn’t pick up, so we couldn’t confirm your identity. We cannot recreate your account because it is blocked, you can try to create a new one. Here’s what I can tell you. No company or bank has sucked as much nerve as Discovery Bank. I think if there’s a bank in Hell, it’s called Discovery Bank. As a result, I used a card for 1 month, spent 64 dollars out of 1000, (I paid it before state) And then try to proof that i real persom and 2 months met with employees of the Discovery Bank who are either not so interested in their work that would Google that HX could have other laws, The libor is so not motivated to provide quality service that even after two requests to contact the manager, the manager can call you back only in a dream. Either Discovery Bank decided to recruit Or the Discovery Bank decided to recruit people who can’t parse complex numbers, like dates of birth. I don’t know, you’ll deduce for yourself. But I assure you, if you have the opportunity to open an account with another bank, in any case, TD Bank, American Bank, Chase Bank, open there, avoid Discovery, such experience that was with them, I would not even wish the enemy.

Mar 1, 2024
Horrible Experience

I opened a Discover high yield savings account with an initial deposit of $10,000. 4 weeks later I transferred $500 from the same external account I originally used. After 6 days I received a message saying had to verify that account again. 4 business days & I never received the confirmation deposit. Back & forth with Discover they said try again. Once again my account wasn't deemed valid. It's been 2 weeks of trying to get my $$ out electronically. I finally requested a paper check. Online they say 5-6 days. When I made the request I was told 6-8 days. I keep getting different answers from Discover customer service. HANDS DOWN THE WORST CUSTOMER SERVICE EVER!!

Mar 1, 2024
Worst Bank. Don't Waste Your Time

Long story short. I opened and closed my bank account within 10 days. Too dificult to spend your money. The reasons are: I can't wire any funds for 30 days, I can't use Zelle for number of days, can't buy Crypto, can't transfer my money to my account in Sofi because they do not work with Sofi. When I asked to have my account closed, the customer representative hung up on me. There are too many can't and I don't have time to work with this backward bank.

Bank details
Bank gradeA
Avg. user rating2.27
Current top rate5.10% APY9 Month CD

(800) 347-7000

Bank HQ: 502 E Market St, Greenwood, Delaware 19950
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