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Reviews (11)

Mar 1, 2024
Bank Checking Account.

My bank checking account charges little fees but has very few benefits. When the bank changed names the account that I had was still automatically available was charged very large fees for the same free service I had in the past. I think this is poor practice. The similar feed account for the new bank is now one with none of the services that I was receiving before. This branch is local and the customer service is good so I have not changed banks. Because of the changes I have started looking into other options for banking. I prefer not have fees changed or assesed to my account just to have me change account types. If you no longer offer a service or no longer want to offer a service just don't offer it, don't assign silly fees.

Mar 1, 2024
The Worst, And No Improvements

they are every where and try to do everything and cant do it local office sent me online. online cant access my bill page password has to be changed every month long lines long telephone waits

Mar 1, 2024
Kelvin Z Is The Rudest And Most Unprofessional Customer Representative/Manager

Kelvin Z is the rudest and most unprofessional customer representative/manager I have dealt with. He reluctantly refused to help in any way. I will not bank with Citizens Bank. DO NOT PUT YOUR MONEY IN THIS BANK AS THEY ARE BOUCH OF THIEVES. Even if, you have 2 to 3 times your spending limit, they will refuse to increase your daily spending limit. Kelvin Z told me CITIZEN BANK does not have all my money available. SAVE YOUR MONEY AND DO NOT BANK WITH CITIZEN BANK.

Bank details
Bank gradeB
Avg. user rating1.73
Current top rate5.00% APY8-Month CD

(800) 922-9999

Bank HQ: 1 Citizens Plz, Providence, Rhode Island 02903
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