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1st Bank Yuma

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Reviews (1)

Mar 5, 2024

My wife and I are new to the Yuma area. We are snowbirds and are looking to make Yuma a part time home. We went to the 1800 S.4th Avenue branch yesterday and were treated in a dismissive manner. The loan office did not get up to greet us, she just called us into here office. After giving her a local utility bill, she proceeded to point out non-existent problems. The bill didn't have both our name (it did), it didn't show the site # of the RV park we were staying at (it did) at this point she said she had to get approval. When she came back she said we needed to bring in a copy of our lease. We felt that this person would continue to find reasons for us not letting us get an account with the bank, so we left. I want to say that i called the bank twice before we showed up. We were told that there would be no problem in our getting a checking account. One girl i talked to laughed and said the bank has many "snowbirds" and we were more than welcome to come and get an account. Even the teller (when we walked in) told us it would be easy to do this. My wife and i have been in Yuma for 3 weeks now. Yesterday was the first time we felt like we were not welcome either in the city or your bank. We will not be referring your bank to any of our friends and i will gladly tell this tale of ours to all who will listen.

Bank details
Bank gradeB+
Avg. user rating1.00
Current top rate2.96% APY1st Senior Checking

(928) 783-3334

Bank HQ: 2799 S 4th Ave, Yuma, Arizona 85364
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